Thursday, August 23, 2012

Traditional Research Methods Versus Internet Research -Let's Talk ...

Why do people turn to dog food online? Are we as a community becoming too lazy to go out and do our research or purchases in the old traditional way? I hope not, and prefer to think of us only being effective with our time and not lazy.


As a student for many years, I know a whole lot about doing research. Sitting for hours in the dusty library or visiting countless well-informed people. I did my share of running from shop to shop, comparing the prices and availability of products. This was tiring and a general waste of my time.I now prefer to do my research on the internet. It saves me time, energy and patience. In a recent study I did on dogs, I did my studies of dog food online.

There were many different avenues to follow in this topic of research. I needed a breakdown of basic food groups and ingredients in dog food, the main providers, their reputations, the prices and availability. All of this in a very limited time frame.

Consistency Of Dog Food

Every dog food provider has his or her own idea of what a dog should or should not eat. Each one researches it, accumulates expert?s opinions and gets the stamps of satisfaction from detritions and vets. Most foods are therefore relatively the same, excepting a few flavours or preservative ingredients. When a food?s consistency varies a lot from all the others, alarms should be going off in your head, and it might be best to avoid it.

Price and Availability

The prices of different dog foods vary slightly, from popular brands to relatively unknown brands trying to get a foot into the market. My recommendation would be to go with what suits your budget and your needs at a particular time. Once again, watch out for very cheap foods, as these might be inferior or unsafe.

A very interesting aspect of dog food I came across was the various types that were available. From obese to under fed dogs, food for dogs with medical problems and even dogs recovering from surgery. Most of these foods I have never even seen on shop shelves, and would not have been aware of them had I not done internet research. This tells me the market is wide open with lots of space for improving and expanding our product range. We should stop looking around us and trying to fit the norm, and rather start experimenting with the unknown and new avenues


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