Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Congress' most trusted alliance partner is CBI: Gadkari | Firstpost

New Delhi: Charging the Congress with indulging in ?vindictive? politics by ?misusing? government authorities against its opponents, BJP today said the ruling party?s ?most trusted alliance partner? was the CBI.

?The Congress party?s main stick is?the most trusted alliance partner of the Congress party is the CBI. And that is
why they are doing this vindictive politics. Using CBI against the opposition and opposition leaders,? BJP President Nitin
Gadkari said here.

Referring to Income Tax notices sent to yoga guru Ramdev, the BJP President said, ?This is totally vindictive,
unfortunate and misuse of power.?


The government?s Revenue department has begun a final tax assessment of the trusts associated with yoga guru Ramdev after service and I-T officials recently conducted special probes on these enterprises for alleged tax evasion.

Both the revenue collection arms of Finance Ministry?s Income Tax and Service Tax departments have recently issued notices to the trusts run by Ramdev to asses their income and service tax liability, which is contested by Ramdev.

Officials of Congress-led Uttarakhand government?s Food Department also carried out raids on the premises of Divya Yog ashram of yoga guru Ramdev and collected samples of various ayurvedic medicines.


Source: http://www.firstpost.com/politics/congress-most-trusted-alliance-partner-is-cbi-gadkari-423749.html

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