Monday, August 20, 2012

A Lil Dash of Diva: My Life Directive

Guys, I want to tell you about a really important organization that a very good friend of mine founded after experiencing something no one should ever have to experience. I have known Dorothy since I was about 14 or 15, our families met through a church we went to in Sacramento. We have experienced many things together including the birth of 2 of her two younger sons, divorce, moving long distances from each other, death of loved ones and everything in between.

I'll let my friend, Dorothy, the executive director and founder tell you a bit about why she felt this type of organization is needed: was founded in memory of my dear father, Richard Rodriguez, who died in a hospital after being admitted in a confused state. The hospital misplaced his wallet and could not determine his identity or contact family members. He spent his last days alone and died before our family was ever notified. It is a loss I will feel for the rest of my life. I started in hopes of preventing this from happening to you or someone you love.

Approximately 6 weeks ago we launched our website a non-profit organization . I actually was forced to launch it early because a woman by the name of Charlzetta Drivers released an article in the examiner which sent alot of people looking for the site that was not complete yet. Since then we have been featured on KCRA channel 3 in Sacramento California, and on KFBK news talk radio out of Sacramento. Just recently The Oregonian released an article about us.

What exactly is My Life Directive you may be asking, well let me tell you! is an online registry service that provides medical, personal and contact information to healthcare organizations worldwide. The information you provide to will enable a medical facility to notify you or a loved one in an emergency. All information is confidential and available only to the healthcare professionals who need it. Instantly.

My Life Directive is not just for the dying. It is for everyone. The elementary, middle , high school and college student. Foster children, the Homeless. The traveling business man. They stay at home mother etc. Absolutely everywhere. Regardless of where you live My Life Directive is available anywhere there is internet. In the event of a crisis you can be reconnected to your family as quick as it takes to load a web page and make a phone call. There are no laws to enforce that people caring for you MUST let your you or your family know that you or someone you love is dying. We cannot assume that others will make those provisions for us. My Life Directive is a free non-profit that operates off of donations. Visit our site at and sign up today.

I'm including my contact information as well as the web address, if you or anyone you know could pass along this valuable organizations information to those in power at local hospitals, local hospice organizations or any other local authorities to help us spread the word of My Life Directive in your areas it would be amazing and I thank you!

1 (360) 721-5057


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