Sunday, July 22, 2012

Weekly Update 25 | Evolving Personal Finance

The big news this week is that I am probably going to get involved in a little bit of financial coaching! ?I contacted the head of counseling services at my church about serving in the financial component of the premarital counseling ministry (which Kyle and I thought was great when we went through it). ?He suggested one-on-one meetings with engaged couples as a way to start. ?Then, on Saturday, I attended a 3-hour financial boot camp put on by volunteers at our church, and when I introduced myself to them after the seminar they were excited to add me to their group of counselors. ?I was concerned about, you know, being a layperson with no training or experience, but they didn?t seem to be. ?They said that 90% of what comes before them is just needing help with budgeting, which no one does professionally, so anyone who can do that in her personal life is qualified enough. ?So I hope to get started with that ministry soon!



Posts I Liked


My Money Design detailed a wonderful explanation of mutual funds. ?Definitely check it out!


Tie the Money Knot listed seven good reasons to pay with credit cards. ?ONLY IF YOU NEVER CARRY A BALANCE!


Amber Gilstrap from Money Under 30 listed seven solid suggestions for saving money on meals.


Kristin Wong from Get Rich Slowly explored the blurry boundary between luxuries and burdens.


iHeartBudgets shared his family?s experience of determining that they need to switch from credit cards to cash?for their food expenses.


Leigh from Leigh?s Financial Journey asked how her readers? lifestyle inflation compares to that of their peers.


Kathleen from Frugal Portland has decided to frame her financial mission in the positive terms of financial independence instead of the negative terms of debt.





Jeremy from Modest Money included If I Were My Financial Advisor, What Would I Tell Me? in his favorite posts.


Kathleen from Frugal Portland featured If I Were My Financial Advisor, What Would I Tell Me? in her weekend link love.





What Do You Consider a Good Salary? was featured in the Carnival of MoneyPros.


Vacations: This or That? was featured in the Yakezie Carnival.


Super-Frugal Chicago Trip was featured in the Festival of Frugality.


One-Car Lifestyle Update was featured in Nerdy Finance #3.



Top Comment


A REAL financial advisor, Average Joe from?The Free Financial Avisor, actually commented on my post If I Were My Financial Advisor, What Would I Tell Me? and reinforced that the most important first step is ?clearly defining your goals? and that he would look at our retirement goal, not the percentage we?re saving, to see if we are ahead or behind.



Most Frequent Commenters


  1. Edward Antrobus
  2. Jeremy @ Modest Money
  3. Kathleen @ Frugal Portland
  4. Holly @ Club Thrifty
  5. Jefferson @ See Debt Run
  6. Bog of Debt



Top Blogs Referring to EPF


  1. Punch Debt in the Face
  2. Frugal Portland
  3. When Life Gives You Lemons
  4. Modest Money
  5. Leigh?s Financial Journey


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