Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fishing Report #14 ? CBS Connecticut


?LARGEMOUTH BASS fishing is reported as generally good. Night fishing is in full swing and producing many fish. Try black jitterbugs and surface poppers. Areas to try include Bantam Lake, Winchester Lake, Mansfield Hollow Reservoir, Quonnipaug Lake, Wononskopomuc Lake (12 fish for one angler), Candlewood Lake (20 fish for one boat), Lower Bolton Lake, Pattaconk Lake (20 fish on one trip), Lake Saltonstall (catches include a 5.5 lb bass), Halls Pond, Hopeville Pond, Griggs Pond, Bigelow Pond, Lake McDonough, Cedar Lake, Tollgate Pond, Pierrepont Pond, Mamanasco Lake, Lake Housatonic, Highland Lake, Pachaug Pond, Ball Pond, West Hill Pond, Silver Lake, Bashan Lake, Lake Lillinonah, Mudge Pond, Hatch Pond, Park Pond, Wood Creek Pond, Uncas Lake, Bishop Pond, Rogers Lake, & Lake Hayward. Tournament angler reports are from Pachaug Pond (good, not many lunkers), Rogers Lake (fair, nothing over 4 lbs) and Candlewood Lake (fair).

SMALLMOUTH BASS are reported at Lake Housatonic, Lake Lillinonah, Candlewood Lake, Lake McDonough, Coventry Lake, Squantz Pond, Rainbow Reservoir, Highland Lake and Mashapaug Lake. River smalllie action is good, with reports from Farmington River (Tariffville), Naugatuck River (Seymour area) and the upper Housatonic River (excellent action). Tournament angler reports are from Candlewood Lake (good, bags include a number of 3-4 lb fish) and Lake Zoar (fair).

NORTHERN PIKE fishing is reported to be slow in Winchester Lake and Bantam Lake (fish to 31?) and good at Lake Lillinonah.

Some WALLEYE are being reported from Coventry Lake and Batterson Park Pond.
Excellent CALICO BASS action on small minnows is reported at Bantam Lake, Park Pond and Silver Lake.
CARP action was excellent for anglers fishing the banks of the Farmington River. Euro-style brought several (5 to mid 30?s lbs) fish to the swim. Boilies & method with pop-ups & hair rigs did the trick.

CATFISH ? Summer catfishing is slowing in the recently stocked areas. Good fishing may be found at: Bunnells Pond (Bridgeport), Lake Wintergreen (Hamden/New Haven), Black Pond (Middlefield) and Silver Lake (Meriden).
PANFISH this season has been very good. Now is the time to get the family out and experience this fast-paced action. Target the shallows with bobbers and worms, grubs or small shiners. Small spinners and jigs have been very productive as well. Small local ponds are often great for panfish, for bigger waters try Quinebaug Lake, Red Cedar Lake, Mashapaug Lake, Pierrepont Pond, Park Pond, Mount Tom Pond, Griggs Pond, Lake Winfield, Bishop Pond, Winchester Lake, Tyler Lake, Mamanasco Lake, Rogers Lake, Lake Hayward, Black Pond (Woodstock), Hatch Pond, Black Pond (Middlefield) and Mudge Pond.

CONNECTICUT RIVER ? The river remains warm, and flows continue to be low. Flows could increase some by the weekend due to forecast storms (depending on the rainfall amounts in the watershed north of CT). NORTHERN PIKE fishing has been slow. Good numbers of SMALLMOUTH BASS are being caught north of Hartford (near the confluence of the Farmington River and around Kings Island) and below Hartford in the Salmon River area. Fair to good fishing reported for LARGEMOUTH BASS from Hartford to Haddam/East Haddam, catches include a number of fish in the 3-5 lb range, and there?s been some good action on ?shorts? (fish less than 12 inches) to keep anglers busy. CATFISH are being taken on fresh/frozen cut bait. Target shallow areas near deep drop-offs, plenty of 5-7 lb fish are being caught. CARP fishing has been good in the lower river during the right tide.


Lakes & Ponds ? Early morning anglers are still boating some good fish, with reports from Mashapaug Lake, Coventry Lake (evening), Crystal Lake (riggers at 15-20 feet), Lake Wononskopomuc, East Twin Lake (try 30-40 feet of water), Highland Lake (center basin; early/late), Lake McDonough, Beach Pond (deep trolling streamers) and West Hill Pond (3-4 colors).

Rivers & streams ? Although recent rains did refresh flows in some areas, many rivers and streams throughout the state remain well below typical summer levels. With the possibility of intense thunder storms in the forecast, flows may increase rapidly in some areas. Anglers should note that smaller streams and tributaries typically return to fishable levels quickest. Early and late in the day are peak fishing times during this time of the year. Anglers are reporting some action from the West Branch Farmington River, Farmington River, Housatonic River (early/late) and Hammonasset River.

Farmington River ? Trout fishing remains good and flows (West Branch) continue to be clear and moderate (259 cfs at Riverton, plus an additional 12 cfs from the Still River). Morning West Branch water temperatures are in the mid 60?s?F.
Current hatches/patterns include Ephemerella needhami (#22-26, early morning), Leadwing Coachman (Isonychia bicolor, #10-14, fast water, evening), Blue Wing Olives (Drunella sps., #18-24, mid-late afternoon to evening), Sulphurs duns (Epeorus vitreus, #14-20, morning; afternoon to early evening for spinners; hatch is coming to an end), Rusty Spinner (#20), Caddis (tan #18-24, all day; green #18/22, evening), Midges (#20-32, morning), Black Ants (#14-18, mid day in fast water), Black Beetles (#8-10, mid day), Flying Ants (#18-24, mid day, when windy/humid) and Golden Drake (Anthopotamus <http://www.troutnut.com/hatch/829/Mayfly-Anthopotamus-Golden-Drakes> distinctus, #10-14, late evening).

Housatonic River ? Morning temperatures (TMA) are currently in the upper 60?s rising to the mid 70?s ?F. Flows remain low, currently 182 cfs at Falls Village and 297 cfs at Gaylordsville. Current weather forecasts include the possibility of intense thunder storms and periods of heavy precipitation tonight and Friday, anglers can call the FirstLight Housatonic River Flow Information automated phone (1-888-417-4837) for up-to-date flow status. Current conditions (warm temperatures and low flows) can be especially stressful to trout, so anglers should consider switching to smallmouth bass (these conditions are near ideal for smallie fishing). Those targeting trout need to take extreme care when handling trout they plan to release.
Insect hatches/patterns include White Wulff (#10-12, evening- the white fly hatch is heavy now), Blue Wing Olive (#16-18, early morning; spinner fall in evening), Leadwing Coachman (#10-12 evening), Light Cahill (#10-12, evening), and assorted caddis (#14-18, early morning & evening). Terrestrial season is here, try Black/Cinnamon Ants (#18-22, mid day in fast water), Black Beetles (#14-18, mid day) and Flying Ants (#18-22, mid day, when windy/humid). Don?t forget streamers (morning & evening), patterns to try include White Zonkers, Wooly Buggers, Muddlers, Micky Finn, Grey or Black Ghosts (#4-10). The Dobson fly is active and anglers can use a black woolly bugger to mimic it.

Anglers are reminded that the thermal refuge areas on the Housatonic, Naugatuck and Shetucket Rivers are closed to fishing as of June 15. These areas will reopen on September 1. There is no fishing within 100 feet of the mouths of posted tributaries to these rivers.


* WYASSUP LAKE (impossible to launch) remains drawn down for dam repairs.

*Anglers on the SALMON RIVER should be aware that the current work in the Lyman Viaduct (Colchester) reconstruction project on Dickinson Creek, which includes filling in a large scour hole below the twin culverts and restoring fish passage (after 50+ years), may at times cause some noticeable turbidity, including in the Salmon River downstream of Dickinson Creek.

* GREEN FALLS RESERVOIR has been drawn down 15 inches to facilitate ongoing dam repairs in the Pachaug River system. The pond remains open to fishing and car top boating access, although the swimming area has been closed.

*LAKE ZOAR ? A water ski clinic for the disabled is scheduled for Saturday, July 28 in the upper end of Lake Zoar. These events run from 9 am to 4 pm, and boaters are asked to take care when passing through this area (marked by buoys) of the lake, and avoid interfering with the event.

* CANDLEWOOD LAKE ? The swim portion of a triathlon will be conducted from 7:00 am to 8:00 am in the far northern end of the Sherman arm from the Sherman Town Park to approximately ? mile south of the park.


BAIT CHOICES ? If big channels are your target, use cut baits. Cut baits are pieces of sliced baitfish. These baits attract cats over long distances. Use oily fish when possible.

SMALL TO MIDSIZE RIVER HOTSPOTS ? Just below each set of rapids, at the head of each pool, fast water carves the channel deeper, creating a depression or hole. This is the deepest part of the pool and the area where channel catfish are most likely to be found. Channel cats wait in ambush for food to pass by.

BIG-RIVER HOTSPOTS ? Big-river channel cats feed and rest near structure that breaks or reduces the current. These include rock, gravel and sandbars, deep holes and cover in outside bends, bottom holes or depressions, bottom humps and deep holes at tributary junctions.

POND CATS ? Since these ponds are small, anglers have fewer problems pinpointing actively feeding fish. Focus your attention on deep-water areas where channel cats usually stay during daylight hours and during the temperature extremes; near the mouths of feeder streams; near the outside (deeper) edges of green aquatic vegetation; and near rockpiles, stumps, logs, trees, holes, humps and points.

STILL-FISHING TIPS ? The area just below a dam provides some of the best action. Fishing near fallen trees at the head of a deep pool on an outside bend of the river also can lead to good catches. When still-fishing from a boat position your boat for best access to the structure you?ve chosen.

DRIFT-FISHING ? Drift-fishing helps the cats find your bait. You can drift-fish in a boat or drift-fish your bait below a bobber. When in a boat, use a drift rig comprised of a bottom-bouncer sinker placed on the line above a barrel swivel to which is attached a 2- to 3-foot leader with a 3/0 hook on the end. When wading or bank-fishing on a river, drift your bait beneath a bobber. Drift by one side of a hole, then down the other and finally right down the middle. Keep your rod tip high when drifting a bobber rig. This keeps most of the line off the water, resulting in better rig control and hooksets.

HOOKS ? Be sure your hooks are needle-sharp. Second, instead of burying your hook in bait, leave the barb exposed. Catfish won?t notice. More hookups will result.

RODS ? Use long rods (7 feet-plus) when bank-fishing. These offer several advantages, including increased casting distance, more ?reach? for working rigs properly around cover, better bait control and more hook-setting and fighting power.

NIGHT BITE ? When night-fishing, know when a cat takes your bait. Helpful products include: night bobbers (special floats with a light on top powered by a cyalume light stick or lithium battery); a 12-volt ultraviolet light, which makes fluorescent monofilament glow, allowing you to see line movements; rods with glow-in-the-dark or fluorescent tips; rod bells, which clip on and ring when a catfish shakes your pole; and electronic bite indicators, which attach to your line and emit an audible signal when a catfish runs with your bait.
(summarized from Game & Fish)


Surface water temperatures in Long Island Sound (LIS) are in the lower 70?s?F. Check out the following web sites for more detailed water temperatures and marine boating conditions:

STRIPED BASS and BLUEFISH fishing is good at the following areas: The Watch Hill reefs, lower Thames River, the Race, Plum Gut, Pigeon Rip, Little Gull Island, outer Bartlett Reef, Black Point, Hatchett Reef, lower Connecticut River, Long Sand Shoal, Cornfield Point, Southwest Reef including outer SW Reef, Six Mile Reef, the reefs off Madison to Branford, Falkner Island area, New Haven Harbor (including Sandy Point), Charles Island area, Housatonic River, buoys 18 and 20 off Stratford Point, Stratford Shoal/Middle Ground, Penfield Reef, around the Norwalk Islands, and Cable and Anchor Reef. SNAPPER BLUEFISH fishing remains good to excellent in the tidal rivers and creeks.

SUMMER FLOUNDER (fluke) fishing has really slowed down and is rated just fair to good. Deeper water (90+ ft) appears to be your best bet for hooking a doormat. Fluke spots include Fishers Island (Isabella Beach, Wilderness Point), off the Stonington breakwater, mouth of the Mystic River to Groton Long Point, Thames River channel, Two Tree Island Channel, Black Point/Niantic Bay, Long Sand Shoal, Westbrook-Clinton area, Falkner Island area, outer New Haven Harbor, and off the mouth off the Housatonic River.

SCUP (porgy) fishing is good to excellent on the major reefs. Fish measuring 17 inches in length have been reported.

BLACK SEA BASS fishing around slack tide over hard rocky bottom and wrecks in deep water is your best bet in LIS. On the other hand, Block Island Sound has been red hot!

HICKORY SHAD fishing remains hit or miss in the lower Connecticut River.

STRIPED SEAROBIN fishing has been real good with some good sized fish being caught. An angler targeting fluke near the Housatonic River caught a trophy robin that weighed in at over 4 lbs!

BLUE CLAW CRABBING remains good in the tidal creeks of Stonington to Mystic, Thames River area, Niantic, Old Lyme, Old Saybrook, Westbrook, and Clinton to New Haven.

SPECIAL NOTE: During the summer months, anglers may accidentally hook up with a sandbar shark or a sand tiger shark. Sandbar and sand tiger sharks are protected and must be released unharmed. Simply cut the leader if you encounter one. Do not attempt to bring these sharks onboard! For more information and regulations please refer to the following website: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/sfa/hms/Compliance_Guide/Rec/Rec_Compliance_Guide_QR_Shark.pdf
For Coastal Shark Identification please refer to the following: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/sfa/hms/sharks/2008/Rec_shark_ID_placard.pdf

Source: http://connecticut.cbslocal.com/2012/07/30/fishing-report-14/

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Poor mental health linked to reduced life expectancy

Poor mental health linked to reduced life expectancy [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 31-Jul-2012
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Contact: Jen Middleton
Wellcome Trust

People with mental health problems have a lower life expectancy, according to a large-scale population based study published today in the British Medical Journal. The findings may prompt further research into the way doctors treat patients with even mild psychological problems.

A team of researchers from UCL (University College London) and the University of Edinburgh analysed data from over 68,000 adults aged 35 years and over who took part in the Health Survey for England from 1994 to 2004.

Participants in the study had been evaluated for mental health problems using a recognised scale ranging from no symptoms to severe symptoms of depression and anxiety. The team then looked to see whether people who reported these symptoms during the study were more likely to have died over an 8 year period. They also examined whether there was an association with death from cardiovascular disease, cancer or from external causes of death.

Their results reveal that people who experienced symptoms of anxiety or depression had a lower life expectancy than those without any such symptoms. Even people with minor symptoms of mental health problems seemed to have a higher risk of death from several major causes, including cardiovascular disease.

Dr David Batty, a Wellcome Trust research fellow in the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health at UCL and senior author on the study, explains: "These associations also remained after we did our best to take into account other factors such as weight, exercise, smoking, alcohol consumption and diabetes. Therefore this increased mortality is not simply due to people with higher levels of psychological distress having poorer health behaviours."

There is a possibility that mental health problems may be associated with biological changes in the body that increase the risk of diseases such as heart disease.

In this study, approximately a quarter of people suffered from minor symptoms of anxiety and depression, however, these patients do not usually come to the attention of mental health services. The authors say that their findings could have implications for the way minor mental health problems are treated.

Dr Tom Russ, Alzheimer Scotland clinical research fellow at the University of Edinburgh, said: "The fact that an increased risk of mortality was evident, even at low levels of psychological distress, should prompt research into whether treatment of these very common, minor symptoms can reduce this increased risk of death."

Previous studies investigating the association between symptoms of mental health and life expectancy have been small and unable to reliably measure thresholds of risk. This is the largest study to address the problem to date.

John Williams, Head of Neuroscience and Mental Health at the Wellcome Trust, said: "People with mental health problems are among the most vulnerable in society. This study highlights the need to ensure they have access to appropriate health care and advice so that they can take steps to improve the outcome of their illness."

Understanding the brain and finding improved approaches for treating brain and mental health disorders is one of the Wellcome Trust's five strategic research challenges.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Poor mental health linked to reduced life expectancy [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 31-Jul-2012
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Contact: Jen Middleton
Wellcome Trust

People with mental health problems have a lower life expectancy, according to a large-scale population based study published today in the British Medical Journal. The findings may prompt further research into the way doctors treat patients with even mild psychological problems.

A team of researchers from UCL (University College London) and the University of Edinburgh analysed data from over 68,000 adults aged 35 years and over who took part in the Health Survey for England from 1994 to 2004.

Participants in the study had been evaluated for mental health problems using a recognised scale ranging from no symptoms to severe symptoms of depression and anxiety. The team then looked to see whether people who reported these symptoms during the study were more likely to have died over an 8 year period. They also examined whether there was an association with death from cardiovascular disease, cancer or from external causes of death.

Their results reveal that people who experienced symptoms of anxiety or depression had a lower life expectancy than those without any such symptoms. Even people with minor symptoms of mental health problems seemed to have a higher risk of death from several major causes, including cardiovascular disease.

Dr David Batty, a Wellcome Trust research fellow in the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health at UCL and senior author on the study, explains: "These associations also remained after we did our best to take into account other factors such as weight, exercise, smoking, alcohol consumption and diabetes. Therefore this increased mortality is not simply due to people with higher levels of psychological distress having poorer health behaviours."

There is a possibility that mental health problems may be associated with biological changes in the body that increase the risk of diseases such as heart disease.

In this study, approximately a quarter of people suffered from minor symptoms of anxiety and depression, however, these patients do not usually come to the attention of mental health services. The authors say that their findings could have implications for the way minor mental health problems are treated.

Dr Tom Russ, Alzheimer Scotland clinical research fellow at the University of Edinburgh, said: "The fact that an increased risk of mortality was evident, even at low levels of psychological distress, should prompt research into whether treatment of these very common, minor symptoms can reduce this increased risk of death."

Previous studies investigating the association between symptoms of mental health and life expectancy have been small and unable to reliably measure thresholds of risk. This is the largest study to address the problem to date.

John Williams, Head of Neuroscience and Mental Health at the Wellcome Trust, said: "People with mental health problems are among the most vulnerable in society. This study highlights the need to ensure they have access to appropriate health care and advice so that they can take steps to improve the outcome of their illness."

Understanding the brain and finding improved approaches for treating brain and mental health disorders is one of the Wellcome Trust's five strategic research challenges.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-07/wt-pmh073112.php

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Figuring Out How To Become A New Particular person ?

The potency of self improvement should not be underrated. Every human has an amazing level of prospective, and personal development will assist you to uncover it. This short article will provide you some terrific self improvement recommendations that may help you when you work to increase on your own. Irrespective of what you?d like to target, these tips may help.

For those seeking to attain personal development over a spiritual degree, use a quick to get in touch to your body along with your interior state of mind. This will help to you defeat bodily vices and provide you nearer to your actual physical self. Presuming you may have no medical conditions (and be sure to get a medical professional advise first), fasting is a terrific way to find out more about oneself.

Learn a foreign language while you travel. Numerous words courses are available on tape or perhaps in a digital form which is fitted to utilize in your car. Why not hear anything constructive when you are driving a car rather than on the mindless babble on the radio station. You can expect to rapidly get proficiency with the normal visibility.

Picture yourself being successful. It?s no top secret how the key to success is having the capability to envision yourself reaching your targets. By allowing your taste of the accomplishment will feel as if, you will be recharging your motivation and providing your self the generate to continue on toward achieving no matter what aim you set out for.

Personal development implies accepting and welcoming alter. You might have a huge aim in your life but when you can not acknowledge the changes it provides you may be having a take a step back instead of steps forwards. It sometimes takes an although to just accept alterations and stay available to alter. Recall the planet is usually shifting and while you do not have to improve the very core of who you really are or mutate into somebody who is not really you, you need to pleasant change to you.

To aid your self, center on aiding others. Be aware of your attitudes towards other people. Would you see them as special individuals who are worthy of regard, or can you just discover them as obstructions that are generally getting into your path? The better you worry about other folks, the greater number of you can expect to maintain on your own.

This applies to everything from weight-loss to quarterly targets. Most people simply keep working harder if in competition with other people. One other man or woman will also help you stay on track and steer clear of sluggish times. For added enthusiasm compete for any winning prize.

Outline what?s most significant to you personally, and forget about the remainder. You could be striving actually difficult to do almost everything, when in fact no one can. When confronted with anything, question if it refers to what exactly is most significant in your daily life. Whether it isn?t, you don?t require it.

Centering on a number of of the self improvement methods is a superb technique for people to enhance their life. Any individual caught up in the rut and unsatisfied with the state of their daily life can be smart to utilize these suggestions assiduously. Why wait any longer to get anyone you?ve always aspired to be?


Source: http://all-articles-directory.com/figuring-out-how-to-become-a-new-particular-person-2/

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Philadelphia Union Vs. New England Revolution, 2012 MLS: John Hackworth Continues To Work His Magic

John Hackworth needs to get some sort of an award immediately. He has turned their joke of a soccer club, the Philadelphia Union, into a real, professional looking club. He has done the impossible, and the impossible continued on Sunday with a come from behind 2-1 victory over the New England Revolution at PPL Park.

The Revs took a first half lead through Saer Sene, who beat Zac MacMath with a knuckling shot from distance. It wasn't a particularly well placed shot, but MacMath couldn't get in front of it as it dipped and danced, eventually going off of the goalkeepers hand and finding the net.

But the second half saw the Union come back, albeit with the help of the referee. First, a surefire handball in the box was waved off by the referee, denying the Revs a deserved penalty. Then, Kevin Alston was whistled for fouling Jack McInerney, which was the correct call because Alston definitely took the Union man down, but where the referee erred was in pointing to the spot. The foul was clearly outside the box, but the referee awarded the penalty anyways and Freddy Adu buried it to level the match.

Philadelphia's goal in the 90th minute required no help from the referee, though. Sheanon Williams' cross found McInerney at the back post and the youngster buried his header, delivering the Union another win as the Hackworth-led turnaround continues.

Source: http://www.sbnation.com/soccer/2012/7/29/3200890/philadelphia-union-vs-new-england-revolution-2012-mls-final-score-result

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Business Personal loan ? Agent Or Financial institution? - Golf Base

There is an estimated 5.2 million business properties inside the United kingdom. The business house industry expanded by more than 32 for every cent for the duration of 1990-2000 (according to the brand new goods began) in contrast with the preceding ten years, in itself a ten years of fantastic growth. Bank lending for business property offers rose by a document ?7.7 billion in the 1st quarter of 2005, based on data offered by the Financial institution of England, and residence specialists think the bulk of your new lending was for financial investment purchases.

There has also been a significant rise in the quantity of investors searching to purchase business properties to place into Self Invested Personal Pension Schemes. Home investment decision cash received an increase as of late last year immediately after the federal government introduced plans to permit them to be included in an ISA (Individual Cost savings Account) wrapper.

Savers will now be capable of add investments, for instance residence cash and funds of funds, that have previously been limited from getting incorporated in ISA?s since the asset class did not function on an European regular of qualified investments and industrial property money are seemingly the biggest beneficiary of your guideline modify.

With this particular diversified curiosity in business house by trader, speculator and businesses alike the function of the broker has turn out to be a far more integral component on the procedure. Escalating quantities of home loan brokers have branched out into non controlled markets like the industrial financial loan sector considering that Mortgage loan Day in late 2004 and subsequent involvement by the Financial Providers Authority, apparently 58 for each cent of mortgage loan brokers claim income are down given that Home loan Day.

Industrial lending is now not the preserve in the high street banks who, previously, have not only seemed to cherry choose but have also had a tendency to only lend to their existing small business clients. The outcome was that there are actually now over 1,200 business lenders presently running inside the Uk.

The competitive market for commercial lending has also been verified through the rates offered. There are also a lot of other flexible alternatives for instance rolled up curiosity (No curiosity repayments) for the very first yr to help with money movement, start up finance, business enterprise expansion finance or perhaps for finance on very low generate investment decision properties.

Loan companies will usually lend as much as 80 for every cent personal loan to value but 100% is achievable with extra security. Three many years audited accounts will also be now not the standard prerequisite as self certification of revenue has also discovered its way into industrial lending. Adverse credit clients are actually regarded as and within the vast majority of circumstances financial loans approved. Even so self certification and bad credit score candidates can anticipate a loading to the price of normally amongst 1 to 4 per cent.

A cross segment of small business funding is offered to retail businesses for instance convenience shops, rapidly food retailers, specialist retailers and supermarkets. Investment decision homes, qualified procedures which include accountants, medical doctors, vets and solicitors. House improvement including speculative or pre-let for both commercial and residential. Workplaces and factories in addition to the wellness care sector which includes nursing houses, residential treatment and unique needs houses. The leisure market place has also been seen because the principal stay for business lending over many many years embracing hotels, visitor homes, cafes, dining places, wine bars and pubs.

Even though latterly pubs have usually sought brewery financial loans as being a regular way of borrowing revenue within the trade usually known as Advance of Discount (AOD) or ?Write Off? financial loans, the rates of interest seem favourable at important deals over the banks but barrelage low cost is affected plus the reimbursement terms are usually shorter over 10 years.

Lending on leasehold can also be available as much as sixty five per cent to the security residence (frequently the applicants major residence). With a lot of companies failing in the 1st yr and business failure prices up 13 for each cent inside the initially quarter of 2006 applicants need to carefully contemplate regardless of whether they need to be securing their major residence towards the lease.

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Source: http://www.golfbase.net/business-personal-loan-agent-or-financial-institution.html

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

London police arrest 16 for illegal ticket reselling

LONDON (Reuters) - London's Metropolitan police said they had arrested 16 people since Friday for illegal reselling of Olympics tickets, as Games organizers said they were investigating why scores of seats were empty at some events on Saturday.

The arrests were made on Friday and Saturday in the Stratford area near the Olympic Park in east London, and in Wimbledon, in the south of the capital, where the tennis contests are taking place.

"Ticket touting is illegal and is a clear exploitation of those who genuinely wish to experience the Games first-hand," said the officer in charge of a crackdown on illegal ticket resellers, known in Britain as touts and in the United States as scalpers.

"We have been, and will continue to seek out and take robust action against anybody who tries to cash in on the 2012 Games in this way," said Detective Superintendent Nick Downing.

Many Britons have been frustrated by their inability to buy tickets for the games, and some expressed their exasperation at seeing images of rows of empty seats at some venues on Saturday, but police warned against approaching touts.

"I would also urge people to think twice about purchasing tickets from these criminals: if you do, you are likely to find yourself paying over the odds for them, while at the same time fuelling criminality," Downing said.

Olympic organizer LOCOG said it believed the empty seats on Saturday were those assigned to sponsors and was investigating why they had not been used.

Police said they had charged two of those arrested with ticket touting, a 57-year-old German man, Wolfgang Menzel, and Maria Bukranova, a 30-year old Slovakian.

(Reporting by Tim Castle, Editing by Nigel Hunt)

Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/london-police-arrest-16-illegal-ticket-reselling-221728463--spt.html

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Suck in that tummy! You ain't no Olympian

In this Wednesday, July 25, 2012 photo, the United States long jumper George Kitchens walks on the track during a USA track and field team open training session in preparation for the 2012 London Summer Olympics, in Birmingham, England. The superhuman bodies of many of the men and women competing in the games can be a stark reminder of how far the rest of us have fallen. (AP Photo/Jon Super)

In this Wednesday, July 25, 2012 photo, the United States long jumper George Kitchens walks on the track during a USA track and field team open training session in preparation for the 2012 London Summer Olympics, in Birmingham, England. The superhuman bodies of many of the men and women competing in the games can be a stark reminder of how far the rest of us have fallen. (AP Photo/Jon Super)

In this Thursday, July 26, 2012 photo, Robert Foerstemann of Germany stands next to his bike as he arrives for a men's cycling training session at the 2012 Summer Olympics, in London. The superhuman bodies of many of the men and women competing in the games can be a stark reminder of how far the rest of us have fallen. (AP Photo/Christophe Ena)

(AP) ? We've all been there before.

Walking down the street or shopping for a shirt when we find ourselves chest-to-belt buckle with some impossibly tall, muscled platinum member of the human race whose inescapable physical perfection reminds us that it's been a few days ? er, weeks ? uh, months ? since we hit the gym.

At glittering Westfield Mall on the edge of Olympic Park, uncomfortable encounters between muscle and mush are remarkably frequent. At least here the Adonises wear team uniforms, so there's no mistaking them for regular people who are simply much more fit than you.

These are Olympians. No wonder they look better than the rest of us.

Still, it's hard to hold back feelings of inferiority, whether you are a girthful Londoner, a pasty journalist or one of the multitudes of candy apple-shaped tourists who have come from around the world to witness the games.

Flabbiness knows no borders.

"It's intimidating," said Richard Perry, a Londoner buying a soft, sugared concoction at the mall's Mr. Pretzel concession stand Saturday as two mammoth Australian Olympians strutted past. "It's like they are from a different planet."

Over there are some telegenic water polo players buying coffee and posing with fans. And wait a second: Isn't that chiseled Belgian judo fighter Daniel Fernandes, chatting with a portly security guard? And here comes a 6-foot-4-inch Russian woman in a national team tracksuit, window-shopping but refusing questions with a withering "nyet."

Hopefully, when more competitions get under way in the coming days, these Masters of the Universe will be too busy to shop, and will remain locked away in the athletes village, where mortals are not allowed to tread and we are protected from their awesomeness by a tall metal fence.

It's not that we resent them. After all, we are here to celebrate them.

But it's one thing to watch them throw a javelin and entirely another to stand waiting behind their hulking presence to buy a pair of sunglasses, nervously pretending to read something on your smartphone.

Indeed, the superhuman bodies of many of the men and women competing in the games are a stark reminder of how far the rest of us have fallen.

The host country may be expecting a record haul of gold medals from its world-class athletes, but its people really pack on the British pounds. This is the fattest country in Europe, with a quarter of the population officially obese.

A 2009 study found one in six Britons were too lazy to get up to change the channel if they couldn't find the remote, and would instead continue watching a program they were not interested in.

Americans are even more overweight: More than a third of adults are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And they are sedentary. The average American logs four hours a day in front of the television, not to mention time spent online or texting friends.

Perry, the pretzel purchaser, said he was cautiously optimistic that the Olympic Games would inspire him to shed his modest middle-aged paunch. Others were unmoved, despite the example set by the world's finest athletes.

"They look great," gushed Lucy Harley, a young Apple Store employee at the mall who insisted she was comfortable with her average level of fitness ? and realistic about her laziness.

"If I wanted to look like that, I would dedicate more time to sport," she shrugged, making it clear she wasn't about to.

Elsewhere at the $2.75 billion shopper's paradise, ticket-holders gorged themselves on dark-chocolate ice-cream pops and rich cupcakes as big as a basketball player's fist. Belt-busting English beer flowed. American-style pizza was served in all its gooey greatness.

The throngs of diners at the spacious ground-floor McDonald's were at least as large and enthusiastic as the crowds that turned out to watch an Olympic cycling race through the heart of London.

Some athletes who were window-shopping as they waited for events to begin were happy to share advice ? and words of comfort ? with the mushy multitudes.

"In some sports, like weightlifting, we even have fat athletes," offered Marouane M'rabet, a lean Tunisian volleyballer who was sampling some massage cream that a vivacious sales clerk was enthusiastically rubbing onto his forearm.

He said anybody who wanted to get in shape should work out for half an hour a day, and insisted they would notice a difference in their physique very quickly.

Just don't expect to look like an Olympian.

"For an athlete? No. Thirty minutes is not enough," he laughed. "This is nothing."


Follow Paul Haven on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/paulhaven

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2012-07-29-OLY-Gods-and-Guts/id-837bbcddb066486d9b49aa51fae889be

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Stock Market Investing: What You Need To Know Huan Jing You ...

Many ponder the idea of successful stock investment, but few actually possess the knowledge to make it a success. This article is loaded with fantastic stock market tips to help ensure that you don?t lose any money. Read on if you want to learn more.

It is smart to keep a savings account with about six months? worth of living expenses in it, set aside for emergencies. If you suddenly get fired from your job or you experience large medical costs, this account can help you keep paying your bills for a little while until you can get your matters resolved.

As you begin to invest into various stocks remember that cardinal rule when it comes to investing: Do not invest more than you can afford to lose. This mainly applies to higher risk investment strategies. It is important to remember that even the safest, most seemingly-secure investment opportunities may end in a loss. Keep your money in the bank and not stocks if you need it for any financial obligations in the future.

A common strategy is to explore stocks in stable industries during periods of recession; this is both practical and conservative. In general, this is a good strategy, but it is important not to lose sight of emerging industries and technologies. Investing in small companies who are ready to go big is a great way to diversify your portfolio.

Paper trading is a great first step towards stock market investing. You can get a lost of investing practice when you do this. This method uses imaginary money with realistic investment techniques.

There are many reasons that the stock market appeals to different people. Be sure to educate yourself before you make any major investment decisoins. By implementing the advice in this article, you?ll be prepared to make sound financial decisions.

Source: http://huanjingyouhao.com/stock-market-investing-what-you-need-to-know/

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Romney can expect warm Israeli reception

JERUSALEM (AP) ? Mitt Romney's support for Israel will likely earn the presumptive Republican presidential nominee a warm welcome from Israeli leaders when he visits on Sunday ? and a frosty reception from Palestinians, who fear he would do little to advance their stalled statehood dreams.

Romney is visiting Israel as part of a three-nation foreign tour that includes Britain and Poland. He hopes it will boost his credentials to direct U.S. national security and diplomacy.

The visit to Israel comes at a time when its leaders are weighing a military attack on Iran, the neighboring regime in Syria is looking increasingly shaky and Mideast peace talks are going nowhere.

Romney, a longtime friend of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is expected to play up his critique of President Barack Obama's posture toward the Jewish state and his handling of Iran's suspected nuclear weapons ambitions.

Israeli political scientist Abraham Diskin says Romney can expect an "enthusiastic" reception, both because of his solid record of pro-Israel comments ? and because he's not Obama.

"What interests Israelis is Israel," Diskin said. "Romney has a very pro-Israel stance. He is very suspicious of the Arab world. (Israelis) are very suspicious of Obama."

In an effort to upstage Romney a day before he landed in Israel, the White House announced it was signing legislation expanding military and civilian cooperation with Israel.

Still, with polls showing a close race, Romney hopes this showcase for his pro-Israel stance will help him to woo votes from traditionally Democratic Jewish voters and evangelical Christians who zealously defend Israeli government policy. Obama has not visited Israel since he became president.

Romney already has stumbled in his first international swing as presidential contender by suggesting that British officials might not be prepared to pull off a successful Olympics. In an interview with NBC News, he called London's problems with games preparation "disconcerting," and the remark sparked sharp responses from Britain's top officials.

In Israel, Romney will be meeting with Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, President Shimon Peres and Israeli opposition leaders.

He will not see Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Abbas aide Nimr Hamad said, though he will be sitting down with the Palestinian prime minister, Salam Fayyad, in Jerusalem. Neither the Romney nor Abbas camps would explain why a meeting with Abbas was not on the agenda.

Romney's relationship with the U.S.-educated Netanyahu dates back decades, when they briefly overlapped in the 1970s at Boston Consulting Group, and the two men share conservative outlooks. A Romney bankroller, Sheldon Adelson, is financing a free Israeli newspaper that reflects Netanyahu's views.

Netanyahu has refused to endorse either presidential candidate, although his ties with Obama have been fraught.

"I will receive Mitt Romney with the same openness that I received another presidential candidate, then-Senator Barack Obama, when he came almost four years ago, almost the same time in the campaign, to Israel," he said when asked about the visit last Sunday on Fox News. "We extend bipartisan hospitality to both Democrats and Republicans."

Romney ? like most politicians who make the trek to Israel ? is likely to face questions such as whether he would endorse calls by some fellow Republicans to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and his stance on Israeli calls for Washington to release convicted spy Jonathan Pollard.

Romney has consistently accused Obama of putting too much pressure on Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians and of being too weak on Iran. He says he wants to present a clearer military threat to the Islamic Republic, with a stronger naval presence in the Gulf. Tehran denies it is seeking nuclear weapons.

At a war veterans' convention in Nevada this week, Romney accused Obama of being "fond of lecturing Israel's leaders."

"He has undermined their position, which was tough enough as it was," Romney said. The "people of Israel deserve better than what they have received from the leader of the free world."

Obama rejects the criticism and points to unprecedented security cooperation with the Jewish state.

Three years after he came into office with Israeli-Palestinian peace at the top of his foreign policy priorities, Obama recently acknowledged that his efforts there have failed. Peace talks have been deadlocked more than three years.

Obama, who tried to persuade the Arab world that he was an honest broker, lost the Palestinians' trust by refusing to follow up tough talk with action when Israel defied his call to halt settlement construction on occupied land Palestinians seek for a future state.

The Palestinian leadership in the West Bank has refused to resume negotiations without a settlement construction freeze and went ahead with a statehood campaign at the United Nations, over the president's objections.

Palestinians fear Romney would be softer on Israel than Obama. Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi said that would doom any chance for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and establishing a Palestinian state on lands Israel captured in the 1967 war.

"American foreign policy in the region is shaped by Israel and determined by what's good for Israel, and not even what's good for the U.S.," Ashrawi complained.

Romney "will probably try to take it a notch higher," she said, and if the U.S. refuses to put any pressure on Israel, "then there's no chance for peace."

Obama's tense relations with Netanyahu have created the perception that U.S.-Israeli relations have deteriorated. During one of Netanyahu's White House visits, Obama extended none of the trappings, like a joint news conference, usually accorded to an important ally.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/romney-expect-warm-israeli-reception-061716113.html

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CPSC Announces Recall of Children&#39;s Beach Chairs Due to ...

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission announced a recall last week of approximately 15,000 children?s folding beach chairs by Downeast Concepts Inc. due to a serious laceration risk from the chair?s exposed metal rivets.? The company has been cooperating with the CPSC in the recall effort.

The metal rivets on these chairs are exposed and sharp, leading to a risk for a child to suffer a laceration. One serious child injury has been reported and it concerned a 21-month-old girl who fell onto the chair, struck her head on the metal rivets and sustained a laceration to her forehead, requiring stitches.

The beach chairs have tube frames made of white aluminum with purple, blue, yellow or pink fabric colors. The backs of the chairs also have a mermaid, palm trees, or fish decorations on them.

Home Goods and various retail stores across the U.S. sold the folding beach chairs starting from June 2011 through June 2012 for a cost of $13.00-$25.00.

The CPSC is urging all owners of these beach chairs to have their child immediately stop using the chairs and return them to Downeast Concepts Inc. for a refund in full.? For additional information, you can visit www.downeastconcepts.com.

When You Need to Talk to a Boston Child Injury Lawyer

If your child has been seriously hurt by a recalled product, you shouldn?t have to pay for ongoing medical care and treatment. Accepting a settlement offer without the?guidance of a skilled Boston child injury lawyer with Kiley Law Group can leave you and your child ill prepared for the road ahead.

Your child deserves a legal team who is experienced in handling child injury cases in Massachusetts and one who can ensure that he or she will receive fair compensation for his or her injury. Call Kiley Law Group at (888) 208-1695 today for a free case evaluation.

This guest blog post is brought to you by the Massachusetts personal injury law firm, the Kiley Law Group.

Source: http://www.personalinjurylawyersblogs.com/product-defect-2/cpsc-announces-recall-of-childrens-beach-chairs-due-to-laceration-risk-2132.html

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Distro Issue 50: the travel edition packs geotagging and offline navigation

Distro Issue 50 the travel edition packs photography, geotagging and offline navigation

Here at Engadget HQ, we're looking to take a bit of a breather after a long week of analyzing last quarter's numbers. With that said, a road trip or weekend respite of some sort is definitely in order and this week's edition of our e-magazine offers some insight into getting just a bit more out of that next excursion. Front and center, the globe trotting Darren Murph offers some tips for geotagging your shots from that next Blue Ridge Parkway trek and also takes Nokia Drive's offline navigation for a spin on a Lumia 900. The super thin $1,400 Acer Aspire S5 and the sub-$100 Motorola Atrix HD each get in-depth reviews while "Hands-On" is overrun by some new shooters -- including the much anticipated Canon EOS M. Fable: The Journey designer Ted Timmins takes his turn with Q&A, "Switched On" takes a look an Ouya, "Reaction Time" chats about pre-release secrecy and "IRL" has our personal gadget arsenals. That said, we're taking some Friday solace in one of the download links below, where you can grab a brand spankin' new issue of your very own.

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Friday, July 27, 2012

House GOP set to pass latest anti-regulation bill

WASHINGTON (AP) ? House Republicans are set to pass a bill that would freeze major government regulations until the unemployment rate drops to 6 percent ? it's now 8.2 percent..

The latest GOP attempt to rein in Obama administration rulemaking is virtually certain to die in the Democratic Senate.

Republicans lawmakers are making the same kind of arguments as they did in earlier anti-regulation bills. They say unelected bureaucrats are preventing hiring and are hurting small businesses.

Democrats say the legislation would harm consumer protection, health care, aid to veterans, food safety and workplace safety rules.

The measure would affect proposed rules across the board. Its scope rivals that of a Republican bill passed last December that would give Congress the power to approve any major regulation from the executive branch.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/house-gop-set-pass-latest-anti-regulation-bill-135301320.html

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Thinking About Vegetarian Recipes?

Article by Seomul Evans

Thinking About Vegetarian Recipes? ? Food

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Now becoming the vegetarian is lifestyle. No wonder that more and more people are becoming vegetarian. They choose vegetarian recipes for many reasons: social or religious beliefs, availability, health concerns and taste. However, some people consider that choosing recipes for vegetarian isn?t easy and delicious.

Based on the fact, you can find good recipes for vegetarian in many locations. Just search online, in cookbooks, or at local health food stores for ideas. However, to get the right amount of nutrition for every vegetarian recipe, you should carefully plan your meal.

Here are some of the guidelines that the ADA (American Dietetic Association) has released:

1. Choose a variety of foods.
2. Avoid processed foods.
3. Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits.
4. Buy only low-fat or no fat variants of eggs and dairy products.
5. Make sure to include Vitamin B-12 and vitamin D in your meal

Related to the guidelines, recipes for vegetarian are defined as using no meat or meat products, while a vegan recipe would use no animal products at all including cheese, milk or eggs. The key to choose a vegetarian dish is to choose depending on level of your vegetarianism.

The vegetarian diet commonly includes green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, seeds, whole grains and root crops. Salads and vegetable dishes are staples in any vegetarian diet. However, there are numerous healthy recipes for vegetarian, such as bean-vegetable chili served with tortillas, rice and beans, macaroni and cheese, baked beans and corn bread, cheese rolled in chopped nuts, hummus, bread sticks with sesame seeds, and split pea soup.

Quality is crucial for vegetarian recipes. So, do not be afraid to experiment by using your favorite fruits and vegetables as substitutes in different dishes.

Choosing a Vegetarian diet to maintain a Healthy and Weight Loss program.

Permanent weight loss is easier with healthy vegetarian meals. Why? A plant based diet plan is low calorie and fills you up with high fiber foods. And fresh fruits, legumes, vegetables and whole grains contain more anti-oxidants than meat, eggs, and dairy.

Eating the most nutritious foods means speedy weight loss without hunger. Not ready to go full time vegetarian? Studies show that eating a few meatless meals every week can lower the risk of heart disease and may even prolong life.

So how could you adapt your favorite recipes to omit the meat? Here are 5 ways to cut the meat and increase the health benefits of your meals:

1. Stir-fry?s are healthy, quick, and satisfying. Substitute firm tofu, tempeh, nuts, and sesame seeds in place of chicken, beef, and seafood. Use a variety of colorful vegetables like pea pods, red bell peppers, zucchini, broccoli, and carrots for a super-charged meal. Serve with brown rice instead of white rice for a hearty, nutty taste and more fiber.

2. Substitute cooked legumes like beans and lentils for the meat in casseroles, stews, soups, and chili. Try red kidney beans in chili or stew, lentils in spaghetti sauce or stuffed cabbage rolls, and refried beans in burritos, tacos, and enchiladas. Black beans and rice make a filling main dish. Spice them up with some fresh salsa, and add avocado for healthy fats.

3. Skip the meat and add more chopped vegetables in pasta sauces, pizza toppings, soups, stews, and other mixed dishes. Vegetables like portabella mushrooms and eggplant are thick and satisfying. Use soy-based cheese instead of dairy-based cheese for added anti-oxidants.

4. Substituting for eggs and dairy in recipes can be tricky, so experiment to find the right consistency and binding agents for each dish. For example, try tofu, soymilk, soy cheese, and soy yogurt in recipes that call for dairy products. Replace ricotta cheese in lasagna with crumbled tofu. Buttermilk is a snap to make by mixing 1 cup of soy milk with 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Use soymilk when making puddings and mashed potatoes.

5. Fruit smoothies make outstanding breakfasts or lunches, especially on hot days. Skip the dairy base and enjoy a thick, creamy fruit smoothie made with soft tofu, soymilk, or fruit juice.

Seek out vegetarian recipes on the internet. There are countless sites with creative recipes to wean you off meat. You?ll be healthier and slimmer if you can eat a few meals a week without meat, dairy, and eggs.

About the Author

Seomul Evans is a copywriter with an interest in: SEO Services, Healthy Foods, and Healthy Easy Recipes.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines

whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

Seomul Evans

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

N. Korean women's soccer team refuses to take field

North Korean flag debacle

Day one of competition brought some controversy when the North Korean women's soccer team refused to come out of their locker room for more than an hour before their match in Glasgow Wednesday.

Apparently someone on the stadium staff attached a graphic of the South Korean flag to the North Korean team's player photos during introductions prior to their game against Colombia.

?We?re sorry for the delay. We have problems backstage,? was the announcement from the stadium staff as the stall wore on. The match was supposed to begin at 7:45 p.m. local time, but didn't begin until 8:50 p.m. Organizers apologized for the mistake.

North Korea won the match 2-0 and will play France at 2:45 p.m. on Saturday in Glasgow.

Twenty years ago a similar controversy arose when track cyclist Erika Salum?e sprinted to gold in 1988 under the Soviet flag and won again as an Estonian in 1992. It was the first Olympic medal won for a country that had broken from the Union, but during the medal ceremony her flag was displayed upside down. Salum?e was bothered "a little bit," but ultimately unfazed.

"It did not matter," she told the London Independent at the time. "It was just unbelievable that I had the gold."

Follow Olympic Talk for all the latest on the London Games.

? 2012 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Any use, reproduction, modification, distribution, display or performance of this material without NBCUniversal's prior written consent is prohibited.

Source: http://www.nbcolympics.com/news-blogs/blog=olympic-talk/post/whoops-wrong-flag-accompanies-north-korean-names-london-olympics-2012.html

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PFT: Chad Johnson predicts 'monster' season

Bounties Vilma FootballAP

As Jonathan Vilma marches into a Louisiana courtroom in the hopes of being able very soon to march onto the field with the rest of the Saints, he will bring with him eight potential witnesses.

Per a source with knowledge of the situation, Vilma plans to call interim head coach Joe Vitt and current/former teammates Scott Shanle, Jonathan Casillas, Roman Harper, Sedrick Ellis, Troy Evans, and Randall Gay.

We?re told that Darren Sharper also could be a late addition, if he can get to court in time.

Not on the list is Drew Brees, who has submitted an affidavit in support of Vilam?s effort to lift his suspension while the lawsuit challenging the one-year ban proceeds.

Also not on the list but submitting an affidavit is Pierson Prioleau, who played with the Saints from 2009 through 2011 and with three other teams coached by former Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams.? Prioleau explains that Williams? pre-game rantings ?were exactly the same for every team.?? Prioleau says the players regarded the tough talk as a motivational speech, and that the players ?were always reminded to never hurt the team with illegal or selfish play.?

?I?ve never seen anyone rewarded for any illegal action or for injuring another player,? Prioleau says.

Prioleau?s affidavit doesn?t mention whether Williams used a pay-for-performance system that rewarded players for rendering opponents unable to continue via good, clean, legal hits.

Vilma also plans to introduce more than 20 exhibits, consisting of among other things portions of the league?s investigation file and letters exchanged regarding the suspension and Vilma?s decision not to meet with Commissioner Roger Goodell before or after the suspension was imposed.

Whether Vilma is likely to eventually win the war is one of the factors that Judge Helen G. Berrigan will consider in deciding the outcome of this key battle.? Others include whether he?ll suffer ?irreparable harm? if he?s suspended now and later wins the case, and whether more damage will be done to Vilma with the suspension kept in place or to the NFL with the suspension lifted.? Also, the ?public interest? is a common, but often nebulous, factor in efforts of this nature.

The StarCaps litigation resulted in the a court blocking multiple suspensions until the litigation was resolved.? In that case, the ?irreparable harm? factor drove the outcome.? It could, in this case, be the determining factor, too.

Judge Berrigan could rule on the motion at the hearing, or she could take the matter under advisement and rule later.? Either way, time is of the essence; Vilma can?t participate in any practices or preseason games unless and until the suspension is lifted.

Source: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/07/25/chad-johnson-predicts-a-monster-season-for-himself/related/

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How to Massively Increase the Effectiveness of Email Marketing For ...

Today, building an email list of customers and potential customers is vital to the marketing efforts of almost every type of business. Building the list is only the first step though. If you want your email list to pay off in profits. If you want your email list to be effective, you need to make sure people want to open and read your emails.

Here are a few tips to help you get your emails opened and read.

1- Keep your emails on the correct subject.

One of the most damaging mistakes made by email marketers is letting the subject matter of the emails drift too far away from the subject matter the people signed up to receive. Each time your potential readers receive an email from you that isn?t about the subject they wanted to hear about, they are less likely to open your next email. If they signed up to receive coupons from your business, don?t send emails that don?t have some type of coupon. If they signed up to receive information on debt consolidation, include information on that subject in every email you send.

2 ? Keep your emails valuable and interesting.

Even when you are sending coupons and discount offers, include personal stories or interesting information to give them some other reason to want to read your email. Don?t make the emails seem like a long stream of marketing junk mail. Prove to your readers that you really do care about them and you have their best interests at heart. In addition, over time offer more special reports and other free items.

3 ? Keep the emails coming regularly and keep them easy to read.

This is another area where email marketers frequently get it wrong. They don?t want to bother the people on their list so they wait a long time between emails. Unfortunately, people forget about you when they don?t hear from you and end up sending your messages to their junk mail folders or choosing not to continue to receive your emails. Emailing infrequently is one of the fastest ways possible to get people to unsubscribe from your list. Contact your readers at least every week or more often if doing so makes sense. More frequent email gives you more opportunity to NOT include a sales message in every email. Another advantage of emailing frequently is that it allows you to keep the email shorter and more to the point. Even the people who want to hear from your business don?t want to have to spend 30 minutes reading your email. If you have a great deal to say or your subject matter is more complex, then cover the important points and link from your email to your website to give more detail. This increases traffic to your website and it also gives the more analytical readers a place to get more information without having to drive away those who don?t like to have to read a long essay.

Getting your potential customers to open and read your emails is directly related to how well you do at respecting them and honoring your relationship with them. A good relationship over time will lead to more sales and more customer referrals.

You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Source: http://www.internetmarketingwebsites.com/how-to-massively-increase-the-effectiveness-of-email-marketing-for-your-business

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From Bach to Stock: Birdie&#39;s Cafe (Westminster, MD)

I don't drink coffee. I have an immunity to caffeine, and the taste of coffee is not enough for me to justify drinking it on a regular basis. But no matter where I live, I have to find the perfect coffee house, one of those places where I can feel right at home even when I'm not at home. My ideal coffee house has the following qualities:

-excellent food
-great hot chocolate (gotta drink something instead of coffee!)
-quirky atmosphere (I like coffee houses with lots of art on the walls, or books lying around, or even just a slightly eccentric clientele)
-friendly staff

When Noah and I lived in Kansas City, my coffee house was called Broadway Cafe, and I spent many lunch hours drinking hot chocolate and reading there. The baristas knew my name, and it was a great place to sit and watch the world go by. Of course, when I moved to Westminster, I had to find a new coffee house. I tried a couple, but they didn't really wow me. I eventually found my way to Heinz Bakery, which was great on the "excellent food" and "friendly staff" front but not the exact place I was looking for. And then I found Birdie's.

When I ran into Birdie's, it hadn't even had its grand opening yet (and yes, it was open before its grand opening. I don't even know). I was walking back from the farmer's market with a friend and I saw it from across the street. The logo, with its name inside a stylized drawing of a bird's nest, and its friendly-looking, colorfully-painted building caught my eye and I insisted that we go in. Walking in showed me a narrow hallway that led onto chalkboards with a variety of delicious-looking food specials, and the walls were covered with art. (Birdie's now posts a flag outside their door alerting people to the fact that they are officially an art-friendly business.) There were flowers and decorative birds on the tables, colorful couches to sit on, vibrant painted walls, a small magazine rack, and the tables had a checkerboard pattern so you could play checkers or chess with a friend while eating your salads and sandwiches. It immediately became my go-to coffee house.

My favorite things to have at Birdie's:

1. Avocado salad. Avocados are one of my favorite foods, and this salad features a mound of salad greens topped with avocado slices, peppers, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, and a variety of other things you can ask to have included. Their homemade vinaigrette is my favorite dressing for this salad.

2. Veggie sandwich. Much like the avocado salad but on a sandwich, this includes avocados and hummus (!), plus all the above vegetables. I like to have it on their sourdough, but it's probably excellent with any bread.

3. Lox sandwich. I have them go light on the cream cheese, because I don't like a lot of cream cheese on a sandwich. Go for onions, capers, or both on this sandwich--you won't regret it.

4. BLT. Need I explain! I like them to put pesto on the BLT (along with the mayo they include--you would think this would taste bad, but the flavors actually meld together rather well), though sometimes I have them put avocados on instead. They have no problem customizing sandwiches.

To drink I love their hot chocolate, which is nice and rich with a strong dash of vanilla, or their raspberry ice tea, which is unsweetened and delicious. Over 4th of July weekend they had blueberry lemonade, but regrettably I didn't have an opportunity to go over there and try it. :-(

Well, I'm off to the library. And Birdie's is just a 5-minute walk from my house...maybe I'll stop by for an avocado salad on my way home? ;-)

Source: http://frombachtostock.blogspot.com/2012/07/birdies-cafe-westminster-md.html

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AMD game console chip exec departs for NVIDIA - Neowin

The executive at AMD chiefly responsible for getting the company's graphics chips inside the Xbox 360 and the Wii game consoles has now left the company. The Wall Street Journal reported today that Bob Feldstein departed the company on Friday and came to work for one of its biggest rivals, NVIDIA, this week.

The story states that Feldstein previously worked at ATI before AMD acquired the company in 2006. By then, ATI had already signed deals with Microsoft and Nintendo to bring a version of its Radeon graphics chips to the Xbox 360 and Wii game consoles, respectively.

Feldstein, who had the official title of corporate vice president of business development while at AMD also reportedly has signed a deal with Nintendo to put a Radeon-based chip inside the upcoming Nintendo Wii U console. The story adds that he also secured similar deals for the next game console from Sony and Microsoft, even though neither company has commented publicly on their next-gen game console plans.

His new role at NVIDIA will be as its vice president of technology licensing. You can bet that NVIDIA, which got its GeForce chip inside the Playstation 3, would like to have its hardware inside future game consoles as well.

Source: Wall Street Journal

Source: http://www.neowin.net/news/amd-game-console-chip-exec-departs-for-nvidia

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