Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Health Benefits Of Onions And Garlic

Article Directory :: Health & Fitness Articles

Have you ever eaten a fresh clove of garlic raw? It actually hurts. This doesn't mean that it isn't healthy for you, but actually the opposite. Garlic is really good for you. It is like a souped up onion. An onion on steroids, except not, because steroids are super harmful for your body.

Now, you're probably asking yourself if onions are super good for you. Oh yeah. In fact, it has been said onions their pungent aroma; hence why garlic really has a strong smell due to its concentrated sulphides.

Sulphides are important part of a healthy regime. Sulphides are important for your immunity system. It keeps down your viruses and fungi that may grow in your body. It also helps with killing the bacteria that invade your internal systems.

Onions are also good for your cholesterol levels. They heightens your LDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels, while simultaneously lowering HDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Onions essentially help unclog your arteries. HDL cholesterol is one of the cause of heart attacks, strokes and heart disease. On top of all these health benefits onions contain antioxidants. Antioxidants are good because they manage free radical levels. They feed off of the free radicals. Free radicals are the cells that cause inflammation, which causes pain, in your body. They also contribute to cancers. Why would you not want to help control such a damaging substance?

Blood clotting can cause heart attacks, strokes, and deep vein thrombosis - a blood clot in your leg. Onions contain anti-coagulating agencies which help prevent these diseases. Blood clots can travel throughout your body, so it is important to prevent them and destroy them as soon as possible. You will not bleed to death if you eat onions, I promise you! Onions will cause the proper amount of platelets to go to the site of the wound. You will only have healthier, balanced, blood from eating them.

If you are amongst the few people that can eat onions as if it were an apple, I congratulate you. Most of us normal human beings do not possess this super power to eat this pungent super veggie. Onions, like all vegetables and fruits, have the most health benefits when eaten raw. The best was to get in your onion for the day is to chop it up and put it into a salad, or a dish that has already been cooked.

IT's best if you can eat one onion a day for maximum health benefits. If you only eat one onion occasionally you will not gain much from eating onions. If there's one thing to remember it's this - an onion a day keeps the doctor away.

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